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The Electronics Section of Beis.de
Interesting kits for DIY:
The digital audio to USB interface DA2USB
Modules for finest PPM or VU meters or meter bridges: AMBM
The DA24QS' little brother DA24DS (96 kHz double speed)
(The 192 kHz audio ADC and DAC AD24QS and DA24QS are unfortunately sold out)
Versatile modules as kits for ambitious DIY multichannel meter bridges
DIY-kit with all SMDs populated With LED bars containing 51 dual-color LEDs such a meter bridge is not only technically valuable but an exceptional eye-catcher, too. PPM or VU measurements, bar or dot display, peak hold or not, high precision and many more features |
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Finally I have a great solution for how to get my ADC's (and other) digital audio signals into a PC:
DIY-kit with all SMDs populated |
Explanation, additional information, but also a little criticism:
Erklärung, Zusatzinformationen, aber auch ein wenig Kritik: Ich wollte es wissen, was das ist, werde es aber eher nicht einsetzen. |
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What effect does the difference between VU and PPM measurements have in practice?
Spoiler: VU measurements or VU meters really no longer belong in these times Wie wirkt sich der Unterschied von VU- und PPM - Messverfahren in der Praxis aus?
Spoiler: VU-Messungen bzw. VU-Meter gehören wirklich nicht mehr in diese Zeit |
To understand and comprehend: The "normal way" and the solution without multiplier Zum Verstehen und zum Nachvollziehen: Der "normale Weg" und die Lösung ohne Multiplizierer |
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Preview: They sould become the successors of the AD24QS and DA24QS: But I'm afraid that I won't be able to offer them 😞 Vorschau: Es sollten die Nachfolger der AD24QS und DA24QS werden: Aber ich fürchte, dass ich sie nicht mehr anbieten kann 😞 |
Ein Versuchsaufbau, der interessante Ergebnisse geliefert hat:
Nur aus Neugier habe ich mich mit solchen Rader-Sensoren befasst und war doch überrascht, was zu erreichen war. An experimental setup that produced interesting results:
Just out of curiosity, I looked into such rader sensors and was surprised at what could be achieved. |
An experimental setup, no replacemant for a DCF77-DO, but precise determination of e.g. OCXO-frequencies:
Ein Versuchsaufbau, kein Ersatz für einen DCF77-DO, aber genaue Bestimmung von z. B. OCXO-Frequenzen: |
Why of all things were the 74HCT9046 discontinued?
Except for the 74HCT9046, I only know ICs with phase comparators that generate jitter by design. |
Certainly neither a revolutionary development nor a stroke of genius: But I think it is a nice and practical solution for an XLR - XLR adapter. |
Suitable for audio and measurement purposes - Input voltage noise approx. 0.41 nV/√Hz
0.41 nV/√Hz are so little that sources with more than 10 Ω impedance noise more than this preamplifier! |
Fast and meaningful azimuth and orthogonality measurement on pickups using synchronous rectification and a multiplex method: - Where do these azimuth and orthogonality errors come from - |
The LTC-Disp is a simple, pure display of the time codes, based on a suggestion from the PA sector (more precisely: the lighting department, which also works with it):
There is no finished device available, at least so far it is only a finished development! |
This PPM (Peak Programme Meter) and Loudness Meter (LM) was a joint development with Estec GmbH. It is designed for professional use, mainly in radio and television studios and used by well-known broadcasting organisations. Unfortunately the company Estec does not exist any more, but I still have some of these devices. |
Battery powered, suitable for audio and measurement purposes: 20 or 40 dB gain, DC capable, input voltage noise approx. 2.2 nV/√Hz |
Resistors do not only exhibit thermal noise:
A collection of experiences from experimental measurements |
A crossover not only with the correct amplitude response, but also with a perfect pulse and step response: Linear Amplitude and Phase IIR Crossover A completely analog design |
The FNIRSI 1013D could be a well-made small oscilloscope with excellent price/performance ratio, but it has such fatal flaws that I can only strongly advise against it: In addition, there is an embarrassing answer from the manufacturer. |
An interesting project turned out to become the most useful and indispensable device for my digital audio developments I ever made: DASG - Digital Audio Sine Wave Generator A very precise and flexible digital audio signal source which probably every digital audio system designer should have for exact signal processing tests. At least I couldn't miss it any more. |
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A delta sigma based analog 1 kHz sine wave generator with the main intention to generate a precise 1 kHz tone for calibration of analog level meters DS1kGen - Precision 1 kHz Audio Sine Wave Generator No kits or so available, but I can help for DIY |
Praxistipp: Wie kann man einen oder mehrere Oszilloskop-Tastköpfe in SMD-Schaltung kontaktieren: - Wenn 2 Hände zu wenig sind - |
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An ADC not only for HiFi-enthusiasts |
I realized that in many audio devices correlation measurement is incorrectly implemented: False and Correct Audio Correlation Measurements - About the difference between correlation meters and simple phase meters - How is it done there, how is it done correctly and how big is the error? |
Up to now my most ambitious project, not for DIY:
Will this ever become a product? Let me know your opinion. Mein bisher anspruchvollstes Projekt, nichts zum Nachbauen:
Wird das jemals ein Produkt werden? Lasst mich eure Meinung wissen. |
I still enjoy contact to the DIYs around the world: ![]() ![]() ![]() The ADC, AD-IOA and DAC kits are available Ich habe immer noch viel Freude an Kontakt zu DIYs in der ganzen Welt: ![]() ![]() ![]() Bausätze für den ADC, AD-IOA und DAC sind erhältlich |
I always wanted to know how to do it (and now I do): Converting Analog into Digital (IIR) Filters - A Recipe (almost...) - and Simple Conversion of 1st
Order Analog into Digital (IIR) Filters Including my program AnaDigFilt.exe that helps to find out the digital coefficients and lets you explore what happens in case you "play" with them |
My Java-Script filter design utility is able to dimension active high- and low-pass filters and now even single stage, 3rd order, low-pass filters: |
Over a long time delta-sigma codecs appeared to be a sealed book for me - until I started to teach myself: |
The "RF-Wallpaper" was a valuable aid for me from my early beginnings in electronics on. Now I made it myself and do not need bad copies from books any more: The RF-Wallpaper / Die HF-Tapete
A nomogram, an online-calculator and some background information about Resistor Noise / Widerstandsrauschen
Something completely digital, growing more and more luxurious: The new VFD-equipped DPLCM-VFD An FPGA-Based Digital Audio Peak Level and Correlation Meter with many features is the successor of the LED-equipped DPLCM |
How to measure different parameters on a condensor microphone capsule: Backplate Voltage Driven |
An experiment to design |
The concept of an Extreme Low Noise Preamplifier with down to 0.45 nV/Sqr(Hz) or even 0.37 nV/Sqr(Hz) of input voltage noise |
Frequency responses can be measured much faster than with sweeped sine signals: Instant Audio Frequency Response Measurements using Soundcards, FFT-Software and Multi-Sine Signals |
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Some additional equipment for audio measurements: |
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(Note: Rod's website has moved and the links are updated now.) |
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I was curious about the inside of such a battery pack (updated): Analyzing a Chinese Battery Pack Clone (updated) |
Repair Power Supply Spectrum Analyzer Advantest R3361
Reparatur Netzteil Spektrumanalysator Advantest R3361
Reparatur ELCO Thision, Fehler 160
Last update: January 1st, 2025 | Questions? Suggestions? Email Me! | Uwe Beis |